Tuesday, January 31, 2012

“Yeah, about that…”

I’m alive! What happened was…I was very sleepy (red flag waving in front of me went un-noticed) but determined to finish cutting out all my pieces needed for my quilt. My thought process was this: “I’m going to do this, I will piece it together quickly and it will look awesome!”

However, that didn’t happen and I quickly lost confidence in my abilities. The remedy? Charm Packs!!! I decided to start a new quilt using charm squares as my blocks and only using selvage to selvage cuts of Kona Cotton to add a few resting spots for my eyes when looking at the finished product. I’m hoping this will be a great way to dip my feet into the self-teaching world of quilting. A little bit of rotary cutting, a lot of machine stitching, 3 layers, and a lesson from my new favorite quilting friend on how to bind it all together!

I would have loved to attach photos of some squares already pieced, but no can do. My husband and I had my nephews sleep over this weekend so we have been playing catch up on the housework and “Honey do this” lists. Hopefully (fingers crossed) I will be able to start some rows tonight!

To make amends, I have attached a not so great photo of the fabrics I was planning to use originally before the switch-a-roo. Aren’t they gorgeous?!?

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