Monday, January 23, 2012

"I have thoughts too."

My name is Ellen, I’m newly married to a wonderful, perfect-for-me, makes me smile and laugh daily, amazing guy man. Our sometimes precocious, entertaining, and much loved dog named, Maximus Cobra (Max for short) rounds out our little family. You will probably read a lot about them since they are central to my life after God.

Why the name of the blog? That’s what my husband asked me the first time I mentioned it. He thought it would be silly to name a blog Imperfectly Stitched if my intention was to give people advice. Thankfully for all of you, that wasn’t my intention! When we got married in December I went on a hunt to find the “perfect” hobby for me. I started piecing things together like, “I love paper and fabric.” “I love prints!” “I want something useful and pretty!” “I want to be able to develop a much needed skill.” All of those spoken thoughts lead me to my “epiphany”, sewing and quilting. It had everything I ever wanted wrapped up into something fabulous and time consuming. But I digress.

The reason for the name was to communicate the fact that:
1) As much as I would love to do things perfectly. Shockingly, I can’t. Who would have thought?
2) This blog is about all things sewing, quiliting, and a dash of my life thrown in.

So! I hope to connect to many people who share a love of fabrics and thread as much as I do and perhaps as I go on this journey of learning, seam ripping, sighing, and a few tears of frustration I will be able to see progress and develop new skills! 

Thank you so much for reading and I look forward to the possibility of developing new friendships! 

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