Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"After all, tomorrow is another day"

Well, last night I attempted my first quilt pattern! It is called Uptown Girl by Creative Solutions. It looked easy peesy in the store; my fabric selections for the quilt are marvelous if I do say so myself. Or, “absolutely sweet and darling!” as my favorite associate at a local quilting store (Quilt Haus) said.

I was feeling a bit nervous, a whole lot of excited and pretty proud as I started to lay out my fat quarters for the pattern. Then came time to begin cutting. I had put it off as long as I could, but it was time. Apparently, I am a serious perfectionist with this cutting business. I couldn’t get the lines exact and I don’t yet own a quilting rectangular ruler. It would have been extremely helpful! (on a side note: I felt bad for my husband by this point, he had just gotten home from work and was cooking up some wonderful dinner, All he heard as he was trying to watch the Spurs game was me griping and muttering about “rectangle ruler” “Why did I do this?” “Has to be another way”, He’s wonderful.)

I FINALLY took the advice that he so lovingly kept offering – “You can do this, just come eat dinner, walk away for a bit.” The best advice ever! I now found a way to get those perfect measurements (standard paper size is 8.5 x 11”), cardstock! Yes, I am extremely happy about this. Now, I’m sure that a seasoned quilter or anyone smarter then me would have said, “Um, Ellen there is an easier way to do that…” But alas, they weren’t there.

Tonight I will be attempting to cut out the remaining large pieces now that I have my handy dandy piece of cardstock to get me through it. If anyone has any suggestions on getting the perfect cuts, please I implore you, share your wonderful information! (That last sentence was said with an old English accent. At least that’s what it sounded like in my head)

Psst! I’ll be posting pictures of the fabric later this evening, just FYI for all of you fabric loving people out there

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