Tuesday, January 31, 2012

“Yeah, about that…”

I’m alive! What happened was…I was very sleepy (red flag waving in front of me went un-noticed) but determined to finish cutting out all my pieces needed for my quilt. My thought process was this: “I’m going to do this, I will piece it together quickly and it will look awesome!”

However, that didn’t happen and I quickly lost confidence in my abilities. The remedy? Charm Packs!!! I decided to start a new quilt using charm squares as my blocks and only using selvage to selvage cuts of Kona Cotton to add a few resting spots for my eyes when looking at the finished product. I’m hoping this will be a great way to dip my feet into the self-teaching world of quilting. A little bit of rotary cutting, a lot of machine stitching, 3 layers, and a lesson from my new favorite quilting friend on how to bind it all together!

I would have loved to attach photos of some squares already pieced, but no can do. My husband and I had my nephews sleep over this weekend so we have been playing catch up on the housework and “Honey do this” lists. Hopefully (fingers crossed) I will be able to start some rows tonight!

To make amends, I have attached a not so great photo of the fabrics I was planning to use originally before the switch-a-roo. Aren’t they gorgeous?!?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"After all, tomorrow is another day"

Well, last night I attempted my first quilt pattern! It is called Uptown Girl by Creative Solutions. It looked easy peesy in the store; my fabric selections for the quilt are marvelous if I do say so myself. Or, “absolutely sweet and darling!” as my favorite associate at a local quilting store (Quilt Haus) said.

I was feeling a bit nervous, a whole lot of excited and pretty proud as I started to lay out my fat quarters for the pattern. Then came time to begin cutting. I had put it off as long as I could, but it was time. Apparently, I am a serious perfectionist with this cutting business. I couldn’t get the lines exact and I don’t yet own a quilting rectangular ruler. It would have been extremely helpful! (on a side note: I felt bad for my husband by this point, he had just gotten home from work and was cooking up some wonderful dinner, All he heard as he was trying to watch the Spurs game was me griping and muttering about “rectangle ruler” “Why did I do this?” “Has to be another way”, He’s wonderful.)

I FINALLY took the advice that he so lovingly kept offering – “You can do this, just come eat dinner, walk away for a bit.” The best advice ever! I now found a way to get those perfect measurements (standard paper size is 8.5 x 11”), cardstock! Yes, I am extremely happy about this. Now, I’m sure that a seasoned quilter or anyone smarter then me would have said, “Um, Ellen there is an easier way to do that…” But alas, they weren’t there.

Tonight I will be attempting to cut out the remaining large pieces now that I have my handy dandy piece of cardstock to get me through it. If anyone has any suggestions on getting the perfect cuts, please I implore you, share your wonderful information! (That last sentence was said with an old English accent. At least that’s what it sounded like in my head)

Psst! I’ll be posting pictures of the fabric later this evening, just FYI for all of you fabric loving people out there

Monday, January 23, 2012

"I have thoughts too."

My name is Ellen, I’m newly married to a wonderful, perfect-for-me, makes me smile and laugh daily, amazing guy man. Our sometimes precocious, entertaining, and much loved dog named, Maximus Cobra (Max for short) rounds out our little family. You will probably read a lot about them since they are central to my life after God.

Why the name of the blog? That’s what my husband asked me the first time I mentioned it. He thought it would be silly to name a blog Imperfectly Stitched if my intention was to give people advice. Thankfully for all of you, that wasn’t my intention! When we got married in December I went on a hunt to find the “perfect” hobby for me. I started piecing things together like, “I love paper and fabric.” “I love prints!” “I want something useful and pretty!” “I want to be able to develop a much needed skill.” All of those spoken thoughts lead me to my “epiphany”, sewing and quilting. It had everything I ever wanted wrapped up into something fabulous and time consuming. But I digress.

The reason for the name was to communicate the fact that:
1) As much as I would love to do things perfectly. Shockingly, I can’t. Who would have thought?
2) This blog is about all things sewing, quiliting, and a dash of my life thrown in.

So! I hope to connect to many people who share a love of fabrics and thread as much as I do and perhaps as I go on this journey of learning, seam ripping, sighing, and a few tears of frustration I will be able to see progress and develop new skills! 

Thank you so much for reading and I look forward to the possibility of developing new friendships!