Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Appreciation of Knitting

Don’t get me wrong, I love cutting up gorgeous fabrics and re-working them together in different ways. But as of last night – knitting has jumped to the top of my list as my favorite craft and here is why…
1.       The Needles Don’t Hate You - That’s right, they don’t. I may not get the gauge just so, or I may accidently miss a stitch because I’m paying more attention to the TV (Army Wives is currently on Netflix…) but! When I catch my mistake, there is plenty of ways to fix it quickly.
2.       The Yarn Loves You - As a beginner knitter I have issues with gauge, missing stitches, forgetting which row I left off at, etc. But my yarn is still my friend. I can frog a whole row or a whole project, start over again and you can’t tell that there ever was a mistake. Thank you so much for that yarn!
3.       Expensive vs. Inexpensive - As of now, the most expensive yarn I have bought is an Acrylic/Alpaca blend for $3 (40% off coupon from Hobby Lobby) and while I know it may not be Heirloom quality, it will last a while. And at the end of the day (or end of the month), I can complete a whole project for less than $20 bucks. I’m sure I will want to use better quality materials, but I do have the choice and a wide variety.
4.       Portability - I can be in the living room, the bedroom, the Smoky Mountains, in the car, at the park, etc. with my projects at any time and not have a big mess to handle. And I have hardly, if any, weight to carry around.
5.       Materials Needed - Some projects may require place holders, but for the most part – all I need are my knitting needles and yarn. That’s it!!!
6.       Busy Work - Sometimes I don’t want to clean the house. But nor do I want to do nothing! It helps to always have something to do with my hands. So if I do choose to plop down and watch a few episodes of a show (again, Army Wives is now on Netflix), I don’t feel lazy. Sounds silly I know. But it’s true. When I finally do get up, I get to say “WOW! I’m half way finished already?!?” vs. “Well, that was a waste of a perfectly good weekend.” (I love multitasking)
I could go on, but I think you get my point. So in short I guess what I am trying to say is, thank you knitting. You are a wonderful craft.