Thursday, May 31, 2012

Meet Paul...

We have a new friend in our little home! Everyone, meet Paul. I decided to name him after Paul Newman since I had recently watched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (the original, and the best) at my in-laws home and I couldn't get Mr. Newman's baby blues out of my head. He is a happy addition to the only other plant in our house (no name as of yet) and much loved by me since he is extremely hardy!

I'm still trying to find him the perfect spot, but for now I'm just enjoying moving him around and introducing him to all of the surfaces in our home. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Bee of a Time...

I’m finally back! And let me tell you, a lot has happened in the past few months. My husband and I had some wonderful things happen in our little family as well as in my in-laws lives and I’m very grateful to God for the blessings He has given us.
In the more immediate/What I’m allowed to talk about without giving attention to those who don’t like a good ol’ spot light (the husband) news…. I FINALLY completed a quilt. (You can’t see, but I’m smiling from ear to ear right now) I finished it completely on the Kenmore I borrowed from my mom. I still have MY quilt that I’m in the process of hand stitching, but it’s sadly on the back burner at the moment.  I forgot to take pictures of the baby quilt finished to share, (rolling my eyes) so I’ve asked my mom to take them for me so I can post the pretty pink pictures on here for you.  The quilt was for a little bundle of joy coming to a couple my mom is close to. As you can see, this picture was from the beginning stages of “Honey, what do you think?” “Should I put these colors next to each other?” “Are you even listening???”

In more recent news! I have joined my first quilting bee!!!! (Again, smiling from ear to ear) It is called, 4x5 Modern Bee. Every group member will be completing 5 different blocks and then we will exchange them and (hopefully) all of us will end up with 20 blocks. I’m very excited. I’ve also reached out to the San Antonio Modern Quilt Guild via Facebook. Some of the members are the ones getting this bee together. I’m hoping that by participating that I’ll make some new fabric lovin’ friends and potentially join the Quilt Guild (who am I kidding? If they’ll have me, I want in!!)
A LOT is happening and I’m hoping to be more consistent about sharing everything with you all! I’ve decided to keep the blog in real time, so please bear with me.